How Do Reunions Happen?

We have been asked that a few times. This time instead of calling a meeting of the perpetual reunion committee, we just used our existing groups. The Ladies Chat (also known as the “JULIETs” (Just Us Ladies Interested in Eating and Talking twice a month for coffee) and the “ROMEOs” (Retired Old Men Eating Out for breakfast every Monday).

In addition we consult constantly with:

  • Connie Busigin Bean, Secretary and Phone Chairperson
  • Carolyn Anderson Richardson, Treasurer and Registrar
  • Joyce Hitt Butchart, Historian and Juliet Leader
  • Ellen Brown Hewitt, Web Master for
  • Bob Reddick, Finder of the Lost and Data Researcher
  • Bev James Miller, Hostess and Luncheon Coordinator
  • Jackie Godfrey Brotnov, Golden Grad Represenative
  • Hosting Volunteers; Terry Olsen, Jane Hessian and Bob Pickering, Connie Busigin
    Bean, Jackie Godfrey Brotnov

So all this is happening in front and in back of the scene. If you want to have fun, even before the Reunion, just join in in either group. Both now accept either gender. If you are ever in the area Contact Us.

Juliets: First Thursday and Third Wednesday each month at 10:30 AM in Cafe Arta in Third Place Books 20th Ave NE and NE 65th Street .
Call Joyce Hitt Butchart 206-242-9524

Romeos: Every Monday about 9 AM at Clair’s Restaurant, 301 Main Street, Edmonds
Call Marv Behar 425-771-5584
or Bob Bleeck 425-778-7587

OR Just call Connie Busigin Bean 509-884-6077